Latest Burning Love News
Rivals in Yandere simulator

Rival Chan and her future in Yandere Simulator! For those of you that have been playing Yandere Simulator for a long time you may have noticed the girl under the cherry tree who is completely indestructible and why she is even in the game at this point, well this is Rival Chan she will at some point ...
Date: 2016-04-29 06:35:19
By: Adam Singleton
The Gaming Club in Yandere Simulator

Over the last few months clubs were a welcome addition to Yandere Simulator you were able to join the gardening club, martial arts club, the occult club or the cooking club to name a few, there were also some clubs that were in the game but not available for the player to join such as the gaming club, ...
Date: 2016-04-27 04:14:08
By: Adam Singleton