Raft Cheat Codes
A series of commands that will let you cheat in Raft easily.

Date: 2021-09-23 02:17:06

In order to follow this guide you will need to download Raft. Please click the green button below.
Raft is a survival game at heart, and for whatever reason, single-player survival games tend to come loaded with cheats. Raft is no different. But what exactly are these cheat codes? Well, just read on and find out!
1. How to access these cheat codes
It's very simple, actually. First off, you need to actually get in a game. Then, all you have to do is open the chat box and type these commands into it. Then, press enter and you should be done.
For every cheat code below, if there is an X in the codes, then enter the numerical value you think is correct.
2. The list of codes themselves
- /set hunger X. This will let you set your hunger to the X value that you type in.
- /set Thirst X. This will let you set your thirst to the X value that you type in.
- /set Blockhealth X. Set the health of the block of wood you're on to the X value.
- /set Bonushunger X. Set your bonus hunger to the X value you type in.
- /set Gamemode X. Change the game's mode by cycling through a few X values. For instance, survival mode is 0 while creative is 1.
- /set fps X. Set your game's max FPS to the value you enter.
- /set Oxygen X. Set your oxygen to the X value you enter.
You can also spawn most items or animals in the game by typing /spawn and then the name of the animal you enter. For example:
- Shark: /spawn Shark
- Pufferfish: /spawn pufferfish
- Stonebird: /spawn stonebird
- Llama: /spawn llama
- Goat: /spawn goat
- Chicken: /spawn chicken
- Boar: /spawn Boar
- Landmark big: /spawn landmark_big
- Landmark pilot: /spawn landmark_pilot
- Landmarkraft: /spawn landmark_raft
- Landmark: /spawn landmark
Lastly, you can use chat commands that do a number of other things. For instance:
- /Shift: It will shift your raft to the center of the world.
- Godmode: /godmode. Self-explanatory - you will no longer be able to die from any source of damage.
- Clear: /clear. This will let you clear any item from the game - for instance, /clear shark.
Of course, you should take care when you use these cheats. If you use these too much, then you may find that your enjoyment of the game will diminish. A survival game tends to have a lot less gameplay if there's no survival mechanics or threats that you have to deal with after all.
So go, and be a responsible cheater!
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