Trove Tutorial
Learn all you need to know in this basic guide to Trove!

Date: 2020-04-17 04:20:46
In order to follow this guide you will need to download Trove. Please click the green button below.
Like every other MMORPG, Trove has its own culture and chat terminology. Take a look at this guide to know how to properly make your way in the world.
1. Terminology
If you want to ask for help, you will do well to understand exactly what all the abbreviations in chat mean to make things easier for whoever decides to helpfully tutor you. Here's a list of the common ones:
- MR - Mastery Rank
- PR - Power Rank
- LF - Looking for
- LFM - Looking for member
- WTB - Want to buy
- WTS - Want to sell
- dD - Diamond Dragonite
- DDE - Diamond Dragon Egg
- /w - Whisper
- DPS - Damage per second
- CG - Class Gem
- MF - Magic Find
- DC - Dragon Coin
Shadow Tower
- ST - Shadow Tower
- NM - Normal Mode
- HM - Hard Mode
- UM - Ultra Mode
- SW - Spike Walker
- WP - Weeping Prophet
- Pin or VPG - Vengeful Pinata God
- DoTM - Daughter of The Moon
Gear/Gem Stats
- PD - Physical Damage
- MD - Magic Damage
- AS - Attack Speed
- CD - Critical Damage
- CH - Critical Hit
- MH - Maximum Health
- %MH - % Maximum Health
- HR - Health Regeneration
- ER - Energy Regeneration
- Stab - Stability
- MS - Movement Speed
- NN - Neon Ninja
- SH - Shadow Hunter
- PC - Pirate Captain
- TR - Tomb Raider
- GS - Gunslinger
- Boomer - Boomeranger
- LL - Lunar Lancer
- DT - Dino Tamer
- CB - Candy Barbarian
- IS or Sage - Ice Sage
- Draco - Dracolyte
- Knight - Knight
- Chloro - Chloromancer
- Fae - Fae Trickster
- Rev - Revenant
- U1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 - Uber 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9
Gear Tiers
- S1/2/3/4/5 - Shadow Level 1/2/3/4/5
- Rad - Radiant
2. Progression systems
There are different ranking systems that can show you just how powerful you are compared to other players. The first is Mastery Rank. You can raise Mastery rank by collecting styles, fishing, levelling classes, and more. This is the rank that will naturally grow as you continue playing the game.
Power Rank determines how strong you are....kind of. It depends on your stats at the time and is independent of level. It mostly depends on what gems you have, as gear will only account for about 15% of your PR. The higher your PR is, the higher your stats will be.
The sigils and badges associated with these ranks are to simply let people know what MR or PR you are. This comes in handy if you're trying to recruit somebody and you want to just quickly look at how strong they are at a glance.
3. Gear
The highest gear level in Trove is only 10. Gear level matters very little in the endgame - you have to look at the rarity of the item to see how many stats you're going to get. Here is the order of rarity from weakest to strongest along with its colors:
- Common
- Uncommon
- Rare
- Epic
- Legendary
- Relic
- Resplendent
- Shadow 1 to 5
- Radiant
- Stellar
One thing that's also interesting is that there is no variation in the amount of stats given. For example. if a clean stellar melee gives 2000 PD, then everyone else who has clean stellar melee also gets 2000 PD. Also, the first stat of each equipment is fixed - the second, third, fourth stat varies. All Melees, Bows, Spears, has PD for the first stat. All Face and Hat gives MH for the first stat. All Guns and Staves gives MD for the first stat. Rings are an exception.
To get better gear, you have to farm Uber. The only gear that doesn't drop there are Radiant and Stellar - those drop depends on the amount of Magic Find you have. You don't have to be in U9 to find them, but it's near impossible to find them at lower uber levels. If you don't like farming for them, you can craft them yourself as well - but that's a whole other guide.
Hopefully, this guide helped you start off well in Trove.