- Air variants
.- Both have the exact same properties as
. cave_air
is generated in caves.void_air
is used internally for blocks above (>255) and below (<0) the world, and in unloaded chunks.
- Both have the exact same properties as
- Blue ice
- Generates in icebergs.
- More slippery than ice and packed ice.
- Crafted using 9 packed ice.
- Bubble columns
- Created by magma blocks or soul sand in water at least 2 blocks deep.
- Magma block columns pull entities down: they will stop items from floating up in water and sink boats.
- Soul sand columns push entities up.
- Buttons, pressure plates and trapdoors
- Now have separate textures for all 6 types of wood.
- Carved pumpkin
- A new block that has the old pumpkin texture.
- Normal pumpkin blocks no longer have a face.
- Right-clicking a pumpkin block with shears will turn it into a carved pumpkin and make it spit out 4 pumpkin seeds.
- Conduit
- Crafted using 1 Heart of the Sea and 8 Nautilus Shells.
- Can be activated by placing prismarine, dark prismarine, prismarine bricks and/or sea lanterns in 5x5 open squares around it.
- When active, will affect nearby players in water with the Conduit Power status effect.
- Conduit power stops the breath meter from running out, gives underwater night vision and increases mining speed.
- When active, will affect nearby players in water with the Conduit Power status effect.
- A complete structure will fully power the conduit.
- When active at full power, the range will increase and hostile mobs within 8 blocks will take damage.
- The eye of the conduit will show whether it's hunting for hostile mobs or not: it will show an open eye when it's looking out for hostile mobs, and a closed eye otherwise.
- When active at full power, the range will increase and hostile mobs within 8 blocks will take damage.
- Emits a strong glow, at light level 15.
- Coral
- Comes in 5 different variants, each with a different type: tube (blue), brain (pink), bubble (purple), fire (red), horn (yellow).
- Can only be placed underwater.
- Naturally generates in coral reefs.
- Can only be obtained with a tool enchanted with Silk Touch.
- Coral block
- Comes in the same 5 variants as coral: tube (blue), brain (pink), bubble (purple), fire (red), horn (yellow).
- Must be mined with a Silk Touch tool in order to drop itself, otherwise they drop a dead coral block.
- Each variant has a dead (gray) counterpart.
- Turns into a dead coral block if none of its six sides are touching water, although not instantly.
- Like coral, it naturally generates in coral reefs.
- Coral fans
- Comes in the same 5 variants as coral: tube (blue), brain (pink), bubble (purple), fire (red), horn (yellow).
- Can be placed underwater on the sides and tops of blocks.
- Can be placed in air.
- Will turn into dead coral fans after a short moment if this is the case.
- Naturally generates on the sides of coral blocks in coral reefs.
- Can only be obtained with a tool enchanted with Silk Touch.
- Dead coral blocks
- Comes in the same 5 variants as coral: tube, brain, bubble, fire, horn.
- Obtained when mining a coral block without a Silk Touch tool, or when none of the six sides of a coral block are touching the water.
- Cannot be turned back into coral.
- Dead coral fans
- Comes in the same 5 variants as coral: tube, brain, bubble, fire, horn.
- Generate in coral reef structures.
- Can only be obtained with a tool enchanted with Silk Touch.
- Dried kelp block
- Smelts 20 items when used as fuel in a furnace.
- Crafted from dried kelp, and can also be crafted back into dried kelp.
- Kelp
- Can only be placed underwater, requiring at least one water block above it.
- Can be placed on dry land by using the
- Can be placed on dry land by using the
- Generate in ocean biomes, except warm oceans.
- Can grow multiple blocks high.
- Has animated textures.
- Can be smelted into dry kelp.
- Prismarine stairs and slabs
- Both come in all 3 variants: prismarine, dark prismarine, and prismarine bricks.
- Stairs can be crafted with 6 of their respective material.
- Slabs can be crafted with 3 of their respective material.
- Seagrass
- Like kelp, seagrass also comes in a tall variant.
- Has animated textures.
- Generates in oceans (including underwater caves), rivers, and swamplands.
- Can additionally be generated when using bone meal on any block underwater.
- Drops from turtles when killed.
- Sea pickles
- They generate in warm oceans, especially around coral reefs.
- Up to 4 of them can be placed on a block.
- Each one adds 3 to the light level, but only when placed underwater.
- Can be smelted into lime dye.
- Shulker Boxes
- Added a non-dyed shulker box.
- Stripped logs
- A barkless variant of logs.
- Created by using an axe on a log block.
- Act as regular logs, and can still be used to craft planks.
- Stripped wood
- A variant of wood with the side texture of stripped logs on all faces.
- Created by using an axe on a wood block.
- Act as regular logs, and can still be used to craft planks.
- Turtle eggs
- Created by breeding turtles.
- Stepping on turtle eggs will break them.
- Zombies, zombie pigmen, and drowned will intentionally step on turtle eggs.
- After a while, they will become slightly cracked and then very cracked.
- Very cracked turtle eggs will eventually hatch into baby turtles.
- Arrow of Slow Falling
- Gives the player the Slow Falling status effect.
- Arrow of the Turtle Master
- Functions the same as the potion of the Turtle Master.
- Buried treasure exploration maps
- Found in underwater ruins chests.
- Leads the player to buried treasure.
- Debug stick
- A technical item used to cycle between different block states.
- Left clicking cycles through states; right clicking cycles through values. Shift clicking will cycle through the states or values in reverse order.
- Dried kelp
- Obtained from smelting kelp.
- Can be eaten, restoring 1 (
) hunger point.
- Can also be crafted into dried kelp blocks.
- Bucket of Fish
- Come in 4 variants: cod, salmon, pufferfish, and tropical fish buckets.
- Obtained by using a water bucket on a fish mob.
- When used, it will place a water source block and spawn the corresponding fish inside it.
- Heart of the Sea
- Used to craft conduits.
- They generate in buried treasure chests (in stacks of 1).
- Kelp
- Can be used to place a kelp plant underwater.
- Can be dried in a furnace to create dried kelp.
- Mushroom blocks
- Now appear in the creative inventory.
- Mushroom stems
- Have an item form and appear in the creative inventory.
- Nautilus Shell
- Used to craft conduits.
- Can be obtained by fishing.
- Drowned can spawn holding a nautilus shell.
- Petrified oak slab
- Now has a model.
- Is the old wood slab that acts like a stone slab.
- Phantom membrane
- Dropped by phantoms.
- Used to repair elytra.
- Can be brewed into potions of Slow Falling.
- Potion of Slow Falling
- Brewed with phantom membrane.
- Gives the player the Slow Falling status effect for 1:30.
- Prevents all fall damage.
- Makes the player fall slower.
- Prevents the player from trampling crops (even when jumping on top of them).
- Brewing it with redstone dust will extend the effect duration to 4 minutes.
- Like all potions, can be turned into splash potion and lingering potion, using gunpowder and dragon's breath.
- Potion of the Turtle Master
- Will give Slowness IV and Resistance III for 1 minute.
- Brewing it with redstone dust will extend the effect duration to 3 minutes.
- Brewing it with glowstone dust will enhance the effects to Slowness VI and Resistance IV.
- Like all potions, can be turned into splash potion and lingering potion, using gunpowder and dragon's breath.
- Scutes
- Dropped when baby turtles grow up.
- Can be used to craft turtle shells.
- Smooth quartz, smooth red sandstone, smooth sandstone, and smooth stone
- Like bark, they now have an item form, which appears in the creative inventory.
- Spawn eggs
- Drowned
- Phantom
- Dolphin
- Turtle
- Cod
- Salmon
- Pufferfish
- Tropical fish
- Trident
- A new weapon.
- Can be thrown by using it, or be used as a melee weapon by attacking, dealing 9
- Obtainable by killing drowned.
- Turtle shells
- Crafted from scutes.
- Can be used as a helmet, adding 2 armor points.
- While equipped and out of water, it will give the player the Water Breathing effect for 10 seconds, essentially giving the player 10 extra seconds of breath underwater.
- Can be used to brew the potion of the Turtle Master from an awkward potion.
- Wood
- Now have an item form and appear in the creative inventory.
- This is true for all 6 types.
- They can now be crafted, 4 logs in a square yield 3 wood.
- They now follow identical placement rules to logs and other such blocks.
- Dolphins
- Spawn in any ocean that isn't frozen.
- Neutral mobs. Like wolves and zombie pigmen, dolphins will attack in groups if one is angered.
- Can be fed using raw cod, but they don't breed.
- Drop cod on death.
- Play with nearby items by picking them up and dropping them after a very short moment.
- Occasionally jumps out of water like real-life dolphins.
- Can also jump between disconnected bodies of water.
- Chase after boats and jump over water surfaces.
- They suffocate after spending too much time on land.
- If they start drowning, they will swim to the surface.
- Give the player the Dolphin's Grace status effect when the player swims near them.
- They can help players find buried treasure; when they are fed raw cod, they will swim to the nearest shipwreck or underwater ruins.
- Drowned
- Spawn in all oceans and rivers, as well as in swamps and underwater ruins.
- Zombies will morph into drowned after a while if they are in water.
- Drowned can spawn with tridents and nautilus shells, allowing the player to get them in survival.
- Do not float, but can swim (although they prefer to walk).
- All drowned have a melee attack, and ones with tridents have a ranged attack.
- Like zombies, drowned will attack baby turtles and stomp on and destroy turtle eggs.
- Fish mobs
- Cod
- Spawn in cold, normal, and lukewarm ocean biomes.
- Form groups of up to 9.
- Salmon
- Spawn in frozen ocean, cold ocean and river biomes.
- Form groups of up to 6.
- Pufferfish
- Spawn in lukewarm and warm ocean biomes.
- Inflate themselves when a player gets near.
- Will cause 7 seconds of Poison to nearby players.
- Tropical Fish
- Spawn in lukewarm and warm ocean biomes.
- Come in 14 different colors and patterns.
- They drop themselves when killed.
- Outside of water, they flop around before suffocating.
- They will slowly flop towards a water source.
- They can be caught with a water bucket.
- Phantoms (Mob B)
- Was voted in by viewers of MINECON Earth.
- Spawn in the Overworld at high altitudes, and swoops down in groups of around 3 or 4 to attack players that have not slept in a while.
- The player must be above sea level.
- Are considered to be undead mobs.
- This means that they are harmed by Healing potions, healed by Harming potions, ignored by the Wither, and affected by Smite enchantment.
- Will burn when exposed to sunlight.
- Drop 0-1 phantom membrane.
- Turtles
- Water mobs which will make nests comprised of eggs on shorelines throughout various biomes.
- Have a baby variant, which hatch from the eggs, and move into the water when born.
- Can be bred using seagrass.
- Spawn on warm beaches in small groups.
- Lay eggs in their home beach.
- Drop 0-2 seagrass upon death.
- Drop 0-1 bowl when killed with a trident enchanted with Channeling.
- The player can craft scutes into a bigger turtle shell.
World generation[edit]
- Biomes
- Added
(Small End Islands),minecraft:end_midlands
(End Midlands),minecraft:end_highlands
(End Highlands), andminecraft:end_barrens
(End Barrens).- All 4 generate in different parts of the outer islands of the End, which previously just used the "The End" biome.
- Added
(Warm Ocean),minecraft:lukewarm_ocean
(Lukewarm Ocean),minecraft:cold_ocean
(Cold Ocean),minecraft:deep_warm_ocean
(Deep Warm Ocean),minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean
(Deep Lukewarm Ocean),minecraft:deep_cold_ocean
(Deep Cold Ocean), andminecraft:deep_frozen_ocean
(Deep Frozen Ocean), although warm deep oceans don't naturally generate. minecraft:frozen_ocean
(Frozen Ocean) now generates again.
- Buffet
- New world type: can be created by selecting Buffet World as a world type.
- Creates single-biome worlds.
- Allows choosing between Overworld (as "Surface"), Nether (as "Caves") and End (as "Floating islands") terrain generation.
- Biome names are sorted alphabetically in the buffet menu.
- Another way to generate chunks (Checkerboard) is available by using an NBT Editor to open a Buffet world's "level.dat", and using the following code for the "generatorOptions":
- Buried treasure
- A new structure that consists of a buried chest with loot in it.
- Has its own
loot table. - Maps found in underwater ruins can lead the player to them.
- Coral reefs
- Naturally generate in warm ocean biomes.
- Are composed of coral, coral blocks and coral fans.
- Icebergs
- Generate on frozen oceans.
- Shipwrecks
- Can be found in oceans and beaches.
- Contain 1–3 loot chests containing different types of loot depending on the ship.
- Can generate upright, sideways or upside down.
- Underwater caves
- Come in many variants, including ravines.
- Underwater ravines will often contain magma blocks at the bottom, which will create bubble columns.
- Underwater ruins
- Come in many different shapes and sizes.
- Cold ruins can be found in cold and frozen ocean biomes - regardless of depth.
- Warm ruins can be found in warm, lukewarm, and deep lukewarm ocean biomes.
- Can generate alone or as part of a big ruined village.
- Can also generate out of the water, slightly underground or slightly above sea level.
- Enchantments
- Channeling
- Only has one level.
- Used on tridents to summon a lightning bolt on impact with a mob during storms.
- Requires the target mob to be directly under an open sky and in a biome where it is raining.
- Impaling
- Goes up to level V.
- Used on tridents to deal more damage to sea creatures.
- Loyalty
- Goes up to level III.
- Used on tridents to make it return when thrown.
- Riptide
- Goes up to level III.
- Not compatible with Loyalty or Channeling.
- Used on tridents to launch the player when thrown while in water or rain. Riptide will not throw the trident, but instead launch the player forwards.
- If the player is not in water and it is not raining, the player is not able to throw tridents enchanted with Riptide, but they can still deal melee damage.
- Players display a spinning animation when dashing.
- Map markers
- Added the ability to put markers on maps.
- Use on a banner with a map to add it to the map.
- Right click on the same banner again to remove it.
- That map will show the base color of the banner at that spot.
- Named banners will show their name on the map.
- If a banner is destroyed, it will disappear when the player gets close while holding the map.
- Uses the new
nbt for maps.
- Movement
- When sprinting while in water, the player will now swim on the surface.
- Much faster than walking/running in water before.
- Pressing shift causes the player to rapidly dive down.
- Sprinting at the surface of water doesn't make the player swim, instead the player will stay at the same altitude constantly.
- The players hitbox is only as large as 0.6×0.6 blocks (same as while flying with an elytra) while swimming.
- Vertically and horizontally, the player can fit through a one block gap like this.
- Status effects
- Conduit Power
- Gives the player unlimited water breathing.
- Gives the player underwater night vision effect.
- Gives the player a haste effect (allowing them to mine faster underwater).
- Dolphin's Grace
- Makes the player swim faster.
- Acquired by swimming near dolphins.
- Slow Falling
- Causes the player to descend at a much slower rate, and not take any damage when hitting the ground.
- This allows the player to jump further than normal.
- If the player is sprinting while under the Slow Falling status effect, they will be able to jump across a gap of 5 blocks, 6 with a 1-block height difference, compared to 4 with normal sprinting.
- Crops will not get destroyed if the player lands on them with the Slow Falling status effect.
- Higher levels do not change the rate of descent.
Command format[edit]
- General
- Added a command UI that shows when commands are typed in the chat.
- Different components of commands will be displayed in different colors.
- Errors will be displayed in red without having to run the command.
- Added command suggestions for entity selectors.
- An
argument in target selectors. - A new command parsing library known as "Brigadier".
- Coordinates
- Added a new local coordinate type in commands using
.- When specifying coordinates in a command, the player can now use
to specify local coordinates instead of world coordinates. - The axes used for local coordinates are relative to the execution rotation, defaulting to
(south). - Like world coordinates, they are by default measured from the base of an entity.
- The syntax is:
^left ^up ^forwards
. left/up/forwards
is the amount of blocks in the specified direction.
- When specifying coordinates in a command, the player can now use
- Specific commands
/bossbar create <id> <name>
will create a boss
is used to target the boss bar and is in the formnamespace:name
, for example:foo:bar
. If nonamespace
is specified it defaults tominecraft
is the display name of the boss bar and only accepts a JSON text component.
/bossbar set <id> name <name>
will change the name of the boss bar./bossbar set <id> color <color>
will change the color of the text (if no color was specified as part of a text component) and the boss bar, defaults towhite
./bossbar set <id> style <style>
will change the style of the boss bar, defaults toprogress
.- Available options are:
, andprogress
. notched
will set the amount of segments.progress
will set the amount of segments to 1.
- Available options are:
/bossbar set <id> value <value>
will change the current value of the boss bar, defaults to0
./bossbar set <id> max <max>
will change the maximum value of the boss bar, defaults to100
./bossbar set <id> visible <visible>
will change the visibility of the boss bar, defaults totrue
./bossbar set <id> players <players>
will change which players can see the boss bar, defaults to none./bossbar remove <id>
will remove the boss bar./bossbar list
will display a list of created boss bars./bossbar get <id> (max|players|value|visible)
will return the requested setting as aresult
of the command.
- A command that allows the player to get, merge, and remove entity and block nbt data.
/data get block <pos> [<path>] [<scale>]
- Will return the NBT data from the block at
. Apath
can be specified to only retrieve that nbt data. Numeric values will be set as theresult
of the command, strings will set the length of the string as theresult
, lists will set the number of elements in the list as theresult
, and compounds will set the number of tags that are directly in that compound as theresult
. An optionalscale
can be provided to scale the number retrieved.
- Will return the NBT data from the block at
/data get entity <target> [<path>] [<scale>]
- Will return the NBT data from one
entity. Apath
can be specified to only retrieve that nbt data. Numeric values will be set as theresult
of the command, strings will set the length of the string as theresult
, lists will set the number of elements in the list as theresult
, and compounds will set the number of tags that are directly in that compound as theresult
. An optionalscale
can be provided to scale the number retrieved.
- Will return the NBT data from one
/data merge block <pos> <nbt>
- Will merge the block nbt data at
with the specifiednbt
- Will merge the block nbt data at
/data merge entity <target> <nbt>
- Will merge the entity nbt data from
with the specifiednbt
data. Merging player nbt data is not allowed.
- Will merge the entity nbt data from
/data remove block <pos> <path>
- Will remove nbt data at
from the block atpos
- Will remove nbt data at
/data remove entity <target> <path>
- Will remove nbt data at
from onetarget
entity. Removing player nbt data is not allowed.
- Will remove nbt data at
- Data paths look like this:[0]."A [crazy name]".baz
means foo's child called[0]
means element 0 of bar.- "quoted strings" may be used if a name of a key needs to be escaped.
- Examples of old commands:
/entitydata <target> {}
is now/data get entity <target>
/blockdata <pos> <nbt>
is now/data merge block <pos> <nbt>
- Examples of new functionalities:
/data get entity @e[type=pig,limit=1] Saddle 2
/data remove block 17 45 34 Items
- A command to control loaded data packs.
- Has the following subcommands:
enable <name>
- will enable the specific pack.disable <name>
- will disable the specific pack.list [available|enabled]
- will list all data packs, or only the available/enabled ones.
- Data packs are enabled by default, but if the player disables it, they can re-enable it with these commands:
enable <name>
- will enable the specific pack, putting it in its default position.enable <name> first
- will enable the specific pack, putting it before any other pack (lowest priority).enable <name> last
- will enable the specific pack, putting it after any other pack (highest priority).enable <name> before <existing>
- will enable the specific pack, putting it before (lower priority) <existing> pack.enable <name> after <existing>
- will enable the specific pack, putting it after (higher priority) <existing> pack.
- Added a clickable teleport link to the command output.
- Added
/scoreboard objectives modify <objective> rendertype hearts
.- Makes health bars display as hearts, like this:
- Makes health bars display as hearts, like this:
- Added
/scoreboard objectives modify <objective> rendertype integer
.- Makes health bars display as yellow numbers, like this: 12.
- Added
./teleport [<targets>] (<location>|<destination>) facing (<facingEntity>|<facingLocation>)
.- Will rotate an entity to face either an entity or a location.
- Added
to/time set
- Advancements
- Added 4 new advancements.
- Fishy Business: Catch a fish.
- Tactical fishing: Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!
- A Throwaway Joke: Throw a trident at something.
- Very Very Frightening: Strike a Villager with lightning.
- Added three new advancement triggers.
triggers when a player reels in an item or entity.minecraft:channeled_lightning
triggers when a player uses the channeling enchantment to strike a mob.minecraft:filled_bucket
triggers when a player fills a bucket.
- Data packs
- Like resource packs, but for loot tables, advancements, functions, structures, recipes and tags.
- Used by placing them into the
folder of a world.
- Used by placing them into the
- Data packs are
files or folders, with apack.mcmeta
in the root. See: Tutorials/Creating a resource pack#pack.mcmeta. The packs are located in(world)/datapacks/
. - Structures will load from
before checking data packs.- However, this directory should not be used to distribute structures. Instead, move these files into data packs.
- Reloadable using
. - Structure:
folder containing a namespace folder determining the namespace of its contents.- A namespace should only contain the following symbols:
. - Inside the namespace folder, there can be folders for
- A namespace should only contain the following symbols:
- Death Messages
- Added a death message for when the player is blown up by a bed in the Nether or the End.
<player> was killed by [Intentional Game Design]
- Clicking on "[Intentional Game Design]" opens a link to MCPE-28723.
- Added a death message for when a mob/player pushes someone into the void or when someone uses
after being attacked by a mob/player.<player> didn't want to live in the same world as <killer>
- Added a death message for when the player is killed by somebody using a trident.
<player> was impaled by <killer>
- Debug screen
- F3+C will now copy the player's current location to clipboard.
- Now gives a warning before forcing a debug crash.
- F3 debug overlay now shows the fluid the player is looking at, separately from blocks.
- Player can be up to twenty blocks away for this to work now.
- Added "Targeted Entity". Displays information for entities up to 4 blocks away (counting from the entities hitbox).
- Added ⇧ Shift+F3+I to copy the client-side data of targeted block or entity. It can be used by anyone.
- Added F3+I to copy targeted block or entity server-side data to clipboard. It can only be used by operators.
- Added information about the time it takes for a tick on the integrated server (singleplayer only), server brand (multiplayer only), number of packets sent by the client (tx), and number of packets received by the client (rx).
- Loot tables
- Added the
function to loot tables.
- NBT tags
- Added the
, andCanFindTreasure
NBT tags for dolphins. - Added the
, andSize
NBT tags for phantoms. - Added the
, andHasEgg
NBT tags for turtles.
- Options
- FS (Fullscreen) Resolution to change the resolution.
- Options when editing a world to make a backup and open the backups folder.
- Added Biome Blend distance video option.
- New options in options.txt:
- autoSuggestions
- An option in chat settings to toggle automatic command suggestions
- True if brigadier's command suggestion UI should always be shown, instead of just when pressing tab
- Defaults on, otherwise hit tab to bring them up
- glDebugVerbosity
- LWJGL log info level (0: none, 1: HIGH, 2: MEDIUM, 3: LOW, 4: NOTIFICATION (only on some machines) )
- mouseWheelSensitivity
- Affects hotbar scroll speed
- Allows making the mouse wheel more sensitive (1.0-10.0)
- Defaults to 1.0
- autoSuggestions
- Letter keys in controls are now lowercase instead of being capitalized.
- When editing an existing Minecraft world, there is now a new "Optimize World" button, allowing the player to update old worlds to a newer format.
- Particles
- Added the
, andminecraft:squid_ink
- Sounds
- Added a new sound effect of squids shooting ink.
- Added sound for Husks converting to Zombies
- Added underwater ambience sounds.
- New cave ambience sound: Cave19.ogg.
- Added new sound events:
, andblock.coral_block.step
- Used for the living coral blocks.
- Most of these sounds like mixture of rocky and high-pitched slimy sounds.
, andblock.wet_grass.step
- Used for seagrass, kelp, coral and coral fans.
- Splashes
- Added "All rumors are true!"
- Added "Thanks for the fish!"
- Added "Truly gone fishing!"
- Statistics
- Added the
statistic.- Used by phantoms.
- Reset when the player leaves their bed, and when the player dies.
- Tags
- Items, blocks and functions can be "tagged" with an ID.
- Block tags can be used when testing for blocks in the world.
- Items tags can be used when testing for items in inventories.
- Function tags can be used when calling functions using commands or advancements.
- Functions tagged in
will run every tick at the beginning of the tick. - Functions tagged in
will run once after a (re)load.
- Functions tagged in
- Tags are created using data packs in
, anddata/(namespace)/tags/functions
.- When overriding a tag from a different data pack, the player can choose to replace or append.
- By default all tags append if another data pack created the tag.
- Adding
"replace": true
to a tag's definition will make the tag overwrite instead.
- For example:
- This will create a block tag called
. - The json file contains a list of all blocks that should be "tagged".
- This list can also contain other tags of the same type.
- The player can add for example
in a tag value list to reference another tag calledfoo:bar
. - Self referencing is not possible.
- The player can add for example
- This list can also contain other tags of the same type.
- When overriding a tag from a different data pack, the player can choose to replace or append.
- There are 24 vanilla tags for both items and blocks:
, andminecraft:wool
. - There are 7 extra vanilla tags for blocks:
.- Blocks in the
tag are prevented from showing dripping liquid particles. By default, the tag contains glass and all stained glass blocks.
- Blocks in the
- There is 1 extra vanilla tag for items:
. - Separated some of the logic for blocks and fluids .
- Current fluids:
- The fluid at a location is currently dependent on the block at the location; currently there still are water and lava blocks.
- Added two new fluid tags:
. - This system is mostly internal; it cannot be directly interacted with yet.
- Current fluids:
- Advancement item predicates now support item
- Water physics
- Water can now be placed in the following blocks: chests, trapped chests, stairs, slabs, fences, walls, iron bars, glass panes, ender chests, trapdoors, ladders, and signs.
- Water can flow out of these blocks, but cannot flow into them.
- When full of water, they will count as water blocks for all gameplay (such as swimming).
- Water will flow out of all faces of the block except for solid faces.
- Removed the blocks
. - All of the blocks that water can be placed in now have the block state
. - Blocks such as bubble column or kelp will always count as a water source.
- When water spreads and would later turn into a source block, it now immediately just places a source block.
- Other
- New
block tag for blocks that the player can spawn on. - There is now a distinction between scheduled "liquid ticks" and "block ticks".
- General
- The upper limit of the block ID has disappeared.
- Blocks which used to have no bottom texture (like repeaters, comparators, etc.) now have a bottom texture, not including redstone wire.
- Blocks with a collision box now have matching bounding boxes.
- Affected: anvils, cauldrons, hoppers, fences, iron bars, glass panes, filled end portal frames, vines, lily pads, stairs, brewing stands, and pistons.
- Updated the collision box of anvils and hoppers.
- Does not affect blocks with a collision box smaller than their model, such as soul sand and snow layers.
- Beacon
- Added new sounds.
- Bed
- Beds now require a block below it as a support. Previously this was only required when placing the bed and the block could be destroyed afterward without the bed being destroyed.
- Changed message shown when failing to use a bed to say "You can sleep only at night and during thunderstorms."
- Chests and trapped chests
- They can be put directly next to their double variants instead of requiring one block between them.
- Shift right-clicking a chest or trapped chest will only make it try to connect to the clicked chest or trapped chest if possible, else it’ll become a single chest or trapped chest.
- Dispenser
- Crafting no longer requires a fully repaired bow.
- Ender Chest
- Will now change their texture when the computer time is set to the 24th to 26th of December to suit Christmas.
- Fence gates
- Placing them no longer requires a block below them.
- Leaves
- Naturally-generated leaves now survive at a distance of up to 6 blocks from logs, instead of 4.
- The block state for leaves changed from a
Booleans to distance (ranging from 1 to 7) and apersistent
- The block state for leaves changed from a
- Lever
- Flicking a lever on now displays redstone particles.
- Magma blocks
- Now generate at the bottom of ocean ravines, creating downward bubble columns.
- Monster eggs
- They will now break instantly, no matter the tool.
- When broken with Silk Touch, the non-infested counterpart of the block will drop.
- Packed ice
- Now can be crafted from 9 ice.
- Pumpkins
- Placing them no longer requires a block below them.
- Shulker Boxes
- Changed the purple shulker box to the 1.12 snapshots' purple color.
- Dyed shulker boxes can now be undyed in a cauldron.
- Use a shulker box on a filled cauldron.
- The water level in the cauldron will decrease by 1.
- Removed the TNT
block state (explode on punch).
- Vines
- Multiple vines facing different directions, including on the bottom of blocks, can now be placed in the same block space.
- Water
- Has new colors, depending on the biome.
- Dark purple for frozen, indigo for cold, blue/regular for medium (lush), light green for warm/dry biomes.
- Swamps have a light green-gray hue, and lukewarm ocean a light teal.
- Dark purple for frozen, indigo for cold, blue/regular for medium (lush), light green for warm/dry biomes.
- Now only blocks 1 light per block, instead of 3.
- This only affects newly placed water (for now).
- Command block
- Removed explanation of selectors.
- Removed "Searge says ..." output when executing
, instead it runs normally.
- Carrot on a stick
- Can now be crafted with a fishing rod that does not have full durability.
- Elytra
- Now require phantom membrane to be repaired instead of leather.
- Fish
- Item textures changed.
- Fishing Rods
- Now make sounds when reeled back in.
- Iron horse armor
- Changed the texture when equipped.
- Map
- Maps changed slightly in regards to which blocks are shown and which blocks are not.
- General
- Zombies, skeletons, ocelots and wolves will naturally attack baby turtles, and zombies and zombie pigmen will seek out and trample turtle eggs.
- Undead mobs will now sink in water.
- Horse
- The model has been changed to be more consistent with other mobs.
- Some animations like opening its mouth when grazing have been removed from the model as well.
- Husks
- Husks now become a zombie instead of dying from drowning.
- Parrots
- They will now imitate phantoms and drowned.
- Polar bears
- They can now spawn on top of ice.
- Skeleton horse
- Are now rideable underwater.
- Updated model to fix minor texture z-fighting, a glitch where textures overlap in an obtrusive and unintentional way.
- Squid
- Squids now shoot ink and flee quickly in response to being attacked.
- Zombie horse
- Updated model to fix extreme texture z-fighting, just like the skeleton horse.
- Zombies
- Zombies now become a drowned instead of dying from drowning.
- Baby zombies now burn in sunlight.
- Chicken jockeys now spawn rightly (also valid for zombie pigmen).
Non-mob entities[edit]
- General
- Items and experience orbs will now float up in water.
- Changed the name of several entities:
Old Name | New Name |
Block of TNT |
Primed TNT |
Bolt of Lightning |
Lightning Bolt |
Ender Crystal |
End Crystal |
Eye of Ender Signal |
Eye of Ender |
Evocation Fangs |
Evoker Fangs |
- Fishing bobbers
- Bobbers created by fishing rods have been given an entity ID,
.- This ID can only be used for testing, summoning is not possible.
- Item frames
- Item frames can now be put on floors and ceilings.
- Paintings
- Paintings now use a namespaced ID for their motive.
World generation[edit]
- General
- Rewrote the world generation system.
- In the Nether, vertical air cavities — stretching from bedrock level to as far as Y=35, and filled with lava from bedrock level to Y=10 – now occur in chains across the bottom of the Nether, often forming extensive ravines.
- In newly generated chunks, the player is less likely to find frozen oceans next to warm oceans, etc.
- Biomes
- The F3 menu now shows the biome ID, rather than its name.
- Biome names are now translatable.
- Updated some biome names:
Old name | [show]New name |
- Customized world type
- Removed.
- Superflat customization
- Preset strings no longer use a version number.
- Trees
- Large spruce trees now transform nearby grass blocks into podzol when they grow.
- Witch Huts
- Now generate with a mushroom in the flower pot.
- Previously, the flower pot was completely empty.
- Movement
- Pressing the jump button in flowing water at
will now do normal jumps instead of swimming up.
- Oxygen bar
- The player's oxygen bar no longer regenerates instantly when they get out of water.
- Sleep
- Players in creative mode can now sleep even if monsters are nearby.
- Visibility
- Changed natural water visibility.
- The longer a player stays underwater, the better they will be able to see.
- Water is darker at lower depths.
- The Water Breathing potion & Respiration enchantment no longer grant enhanced vision underwater.
- Every ocean biome has a unique water color, and the swamp water color has been changed.
- Visibility changes per biome.
Command format[edit]
- General
- Commands and functions are much faster and more efficient.
- Most commands are now more case-sensitive. Lowercase is preferable wherever possible.
- For example, this is no longer allowed:
/scoreboard ObJeCtIvEs ...
- For example, this is no longer allowed:
- The output signal of a command block used to be its "success count", but now is its "result".
- Server commands (functions, console, rcon) now run from world spawn in the overworld, instead of at
. - Errors during a command are now a nicer error message (with a tool tip for more info).
- Added commands to the profiler (
). - Whitespaces are now allowed in entity selectors & blockstate arguments.
- Blockstate files:
for blocks without block states changed to an empty string (""
).- Item Frames now have
instead of"normal"
instead of"map"
. - Model references no longer start at the
folder, but instead atmodels/
- Command UI
- A new prototype for the command UI.
- Functions
- Functions are now completely parsed and cached on load.
- This means if a command is incorrect for any reason, the player will know about it on load.
- The
NBT tag of items is now calledEnchantments
, and no longer has number IDs in each compound. Thrower
nbt keys of item entities are no longer strings, but are instead compounds with two longs namedL
nbt keys of snowballs, eggs and ender pearls are no longer strings, but are instead compounds with two longs namedL
.- Changed all custom names (blocks, items, entities, block entities) from raw strings to JSON text components (which can be translated).
- For example,
/summon pig ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"Reuben"}
is now/summon pig ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"\"Reuben\""}
or/summon pig ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"{\"text\":\"Reuben\"}"}
- For example,
- Specific Commands
- Removed
/advancement test
in favor of entity selectors.
- Removed in favor of
- The syntax of
has changed./clear [<target>] [<item>] [<data>] [<count>] [<nbt>]
is now/clear [<target>] [<item>] [<count>]
- See the item argument type for more details.
- The syntax of
has been changed./clone <begin> <end> <destination> filtered [force|move|normal] [<block>] [<data>]
is now/clone <begin> <end> <destination> filtered [<block>] [force|move|normal]
/clone <begin> <end> <destination> [replace|masked] [force|move|normal] [<block>] [<data>]
is now/clone <begin> <end> <destination> [replace|masked] [force|move|normal]
- Now only accept string IDs, not shorthand or numeric.
/gamemode 2
is now/gamemode adventure
/defaultgamemode sp
is now/defaultgamemode spectator
Release Date: 2018-07-18
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