- Can be crafted using 6 planks and 3 honeycombs.
- Can house bees.
- Fills up with honey.
- The amount of honey in the beehive increases as bees gather nectar and return to their hive.
- The player can harvest honeycombs and honey bottles from the hive using shears and glass bottles respectively.
- If the player breaks or harvests honey from the hive, the bees will become hostile on the player.
- Bees inside the hive will not turn hostile if it is harvested with Silk Touch, but bees outside the hive will.
- Bees will not turn hostile if there is a lit campfire or fire underneath the hive when honeycombs or honey bottles are harvested.
- Is a block entity and cannot be pushed by pistons.
- When instantly mined in Creative mode, they will drop as an item if they contain any bees.
- Spawn naturally in flower forests, plains, and sunflower plains biomes.
- Functions the same as beehives, but requires Silk Touch to be dropped.
- Can be crafted with 4 honey bottles.
- The bottles are not consumed and will remain in the crafting grid.
- Stickier than slime blocks:
- When a honey block is pushed or pulled by a piston, it attempts to move all adjacent blocks in the same direction.
- Works the same way as slime blocks.
- Honey blocks do not stick to slime blocks.
- If an entity is on a honey block that is pushed by a piston, the entity will be moved with the honey block.
- Entities touching the side of a honey block slide down slowly.
- Landing on a honey block reduces fall damage.
- Mobs will usually avoid walking on them.
- Does not conduct redstone signals.
- Bees will occasionally 'eat' from them if placed near beehives or bee nests.
- Can be crafted with 4 honeycombs.
- Are purely decorative.
- Obtained by using a bottle on bee hives/nests with a
of 5. - Restores 6 (
) and 2.4 saturation.
- Removes the Poison effect when consumed.
- Can be crafted into sugar and honey blocks.
- Stack up to 16.
- Obtained by using shears on bee hives/nests with a
of 5. - Can be used to craft bee hives and honeycomb blocks.
- Bee spawn egg.
- Have 10
- Live in groups near hives and nests.
- If a bee does not have a home nest, it will wander until it finds one.
- Can hide inside hives.
- Maximum of 3 bees per nest.
- Are neutral mobs.
- When attacked, all bees from the same hive try to attack the original attacker.
- The same happens when their hive or nest is destroyed.
- Have an Anger data tag, which defaults to zero.
- When the bee is attacked, this tag is set to around 700 ticks.
- When they attack, they give poison to the target for 10 seconds and then they die 50–60 seconds after attacking.
- When in an angry state, their eyes are red.
- When attacked, all bees from the same hive try to attack the original attacker.
- Affected by the Bane of Arthropods enchantment.
- Can be bred using any type of flower, including wither roses.
- They will follow any player holding a small flower.
- If the player holds still the bees will hover around them.
- They will follow any player holding a small flower.
- Will hover around flowers and will enter a "pollinated" state after some time. When pollinated, pale white particles will come off them. The bee will also have its texture changed to include dots similar in color to the pollen particles.
- Bees will try to pollinate wither roses despite the fact that they are harmed by the wither effect they give.
- When they pollinate flowers a small popping noise is heard.
- Will return to their nest after entering the "pollinated" state.
- A pollinated bee can accelerate the growth of crops and sweet berry bushes it passes.
- After enough bees enter a bee nest in the pollinated state, the bee nest will be filled with honey.
- Will try to avoid water.
- Being killed by a bee sting results in new death message: "<player> was stung to death".
Command format
- Can now use
as a source or target, which is general purpose, key/value storage.- Each storage is identified by a distinct namespaced ID.
- Storage is shared between all dimensions in a world.
- Data in storage persists between on world close.
- Added subcommand
/execute if predicate
.- Evaluates custom predicates, defined in the
directory of a datapack.
- Evaluates custom predicates, defined in the
- Added subcommand
/execute store storage
- Added new optional syntax
/schedule ... [append|replace]
.- Defaults to
- Defaults to
- Added new syntax
/schedule clear <id>
to remove existing schedules.- Returns the number of removed schedules.
- Extended
to allow scheduling the same function multiple times.
- Syntax is
/spectate [<target>] [<player>]
– the target entity to spectate.- If omitted, makes the player stop spectating.
– the player that should spectate the target.- Must be in spectator mode.
- If omitted, @s (the executing player) is used.
- Added
- Entity selectors
- New selector parameter
allows applying custom predicates, defined in thepredicates
directory of a datapack.
- Players respawn immediately without showing the death screen.
- Whether the player should take damage when drowning.
- Whether the player should take fall damage.
- Whether the player should take fire damage.
- Loot table predicates can now be defined in separate files and used for entity selectors and in execute if command.
- Added new parameters to the
– optional offsets to location.
- Added
.- Includes condition defined in predicates directory of datapack, selected with name parameter.
- Added
condition. - New function:
- Added the
, andslide_down_block
advancement triggers. - Added "Sticky Situation" for jumping into a honey block, breaking a player's fall.
- Placed in the Adventure tab.
- Added "Bee Our Guest" for safely collecting honey from a beehive using a campfire.
- Placed in the Husbandry tab.
- Added "Total Beelocation" for moving a bee nest with 3 bees inside using Silk Touch.
- Placed in the Husbandry tab.
- Sneak and Sprint inputs can now be switched between Hold and Toggle mode in the Accessibility Options.
- Allows players to stay sneaked while opening different GUIs.
- Also affects flying down in creative mode. When toggled, the player will keep going down until toggled again.
- Entity predicate
- Now accepts
field, which checks player properties.- Fails when entity is not player.
- Fields:
– range of allowed player levels.gamemode
– same values as/gamemode
– list of statistics to match. Entry fields:type
) andvalue
(an integer range).- For example,
will succeed if the player has used fishing rods a total of 2 through 10 times; more or less will fail.
- For example,
– map of recipe IDs. Boolean value tells if it should or should not be known to player.advancements
– map of advancement IDs. If value is a boolean, checks if advancement is done. If value is an object, checks completion of criterions.
- Entity predicate now accepts
field, which matches team name.
- Added Yiddish language.
- Location predicate
- Predicate now accepts
sub-predicate. - Predicate now accepts the
sub-predicate.- Object has one integer range –
– that matches visible light (maximum value of sky-darkening and block light).
- Object has one integer range –
- Added custom predicates.
- The condition part of loot tables can now be defined as separate data pack resource in
- The condition part of loot tables can now be defined as separate data pack resource in
- New particles:
- Added 3 new splash text:
- "In case it isn't obvious, foxes aren't players."
- "Buzzy Bees!"
- "Minecraft Java Edition presents: Disgusting Bugs"
- Added statistics for anvil and grindstone interaction counts.
- Added
, andminecraft:tall_flowers
block tags. - Added
entity tags. - Added
, andminecraft:tall_flowers
item tag. - Added new
block tag.
- Will now ring if powered with a redstone signal.
- Can now be extinguished with a shovel.
- Now crafted with wooden slabs (like in Bedrock Edition), instead of fences and wooden planks.
- Can now harvest honeycombs when dispensing shears on bee nests and bee hives filled with honey.
- The honeycomb items will be dropped on the ground.
- Can now collect honey bottles when dispensing glass bottles on bee hives.
- Can now collect water bottles when dispensing glass bottles on water.
- Can now place down armor stands.
- Fire charges launched from a dispenser now light campfires.
- Firework rockets dispensed from a dispenser now travel in the direction they were fired.
- Now have a hardness of 3.
- Now have a blast resistance of 45.
- Blocks that can be manually placed on farmland without turning it into dirt can now also be pushed into (the space above) it by a piston without turning the farmland under the block the piston has pushed into dirt.
- Now drop wheat seeds.
- Attached stems now drop their seeds again when broken.
- Now places facing the player, rather than always north~south.
- Can now detect how much honey is inside beehives and bee nests.
- The output strength is equal to the amount of honey in the hive.
- Increased scaffolding burn time when used as fuel in a furnace to be able to smelt 2 items, rather than 0.25.
- Can now be crafted out of stripped logs.
- Now dry out when placed in the Nether.
- When used as fuel, one boat now smelts 6 items in a furnace, blast furnace, or smoker instead of 1.
- Drowned, husk, zombie, zombie pigmen, and zombie villager spawn eggs can be used on adult versions of these mobs to spawn baby variants.
- General
- Mobs are now better at avoiding walking through lava.
- Removed a black dot on the transparent parts of wing texture.
- Removed texture for part of wing bottom in the exploding ender dragon.
- Now use the
attribute. - Now starts cracking upon losing health.
- A sound plays on every cracking stage.
- There are 4 stages, from uncracked to fully cracked, before the golem dies.
- Can be healed using iron ingots.
- A sound plays each time the golem is repaired.
- One iron ingot restores 25
× 12.5.
- It takes 4 iron ingots to repair an iron golem from 1 HP to full health.
- Magma cubes, ocelots, and slimes
- Now use the
- Can now sit on a player's shoulder even when the player is riding an entity.
- Can no longer imitate endermen, polar bears, wolves, and zombie pigmen.
- When breedable mobs in groups spawn naturally they will now sometimes spawn babies in the groups.
- Nitwit villagers no longer have a leveling gemstone in their belt.
- Zombie villagers that were converted from villagers can no longer despawn.
- Foxes now spawn in all taiga variants.
Non-mob entities
- The texture has been changed, which now resembles the fire charge texture after the Texture Update.
- Experience orbs now appear at the same spatial and temporal location as loot when an entity is killed.
- Now render as translucent again.
World generation
- Birch trees generate in the dark forest biome once again.
- Now spawn in the giant tree taiga biome.
Command format
- The
/effect clear
command now defaults to@s
if notarget
argument is given.
- The first parameter now defaults to
if notarget
argument is given.
- NBT components
- Added NBT text component variant for NBT storage:
{"nbt": <path>, "storage":"<resource id>"}
- Item predicate in advancements now makes a distinction between actual enchantments and stored enchantments, like ones stored in enchanted books.
is used to match stored enchantments.
- Bees can now be bred to unlock the "The Parrots and the Bats" advancement.
- Bees are now required for the "Two by Two" advancement.
- Honey bottles are now required for the "A Balanced Diet" advancement.
- Spectral arrows can now be used to unlock the "Take Aim" advancement.
- Elytra can now start to glide immediately after jumping (while rising), not only during the descent of the jump.
- All foods are now edible in creative mode, including cake.
- Hardcore game worlds now prompt to return to the menu on the death screen.
- The composter recipe now unlocks with wooden slabs instead of wooden fences.
- Many recipes changed to only require one material instead of nine to unlock.
- The recipes affected are:
- Many recipes for items that are crafted by placing one of the above blocks in a crafting table no longer unlock when the player has nine of the material.
- The recipes affected are:
- Setting the respawn point by using a bed now shows the message "Respawn point set" in chat.
- If a player tries to sleep in a bed that is occupied by a villager, the villager is now kicked out of the bed.
- Trying to sleep during the daytime will now set the player's spawn location to that bed.
- Instant Damage
- Added an effect sprite.
- Instant Health
- Added an effect sprite.
- Saturation
- Added an effect sprite.
- Librarians now sell one bookshelf for nine emeralds, instead of three bookshelves for six emeralds.
- Inventory models are now brighter than before.
- Biome information now is stored in sixty-four 4×4 arrays, allowing biomes to be changed based on height; previously, biome values corresponded to only the X and Z coordinates.
- The Biomes array in the Level tag for each chunk now contains 1024 integers instead of 256. Each number in the array is the biome for a 4x4x4 volume in the chunk. These 4×4×4 volumes are arranged by Z, then X, then Y. That is, the first 4×4 values in the array are for the 16×16 chunk, at Y levels 0–3, the next 4×4 is for Y levels 4–7, etc.
- Updated data pack version to 5.
- The "chunk updates" counter on the second line no longer appears.
- Floating-point precision
- The floating-point precision used for the location of where certain particles and entities appear was increased to 64-bit (double-precision), from 32-bit (single-precision).
- This fixes many issues regarding certain types of particles and entities not appearing at the right places when far away from the center of the world, especially beyond 16,777,216 blocks. The following list includes instances that are known and confirmed to be fixed:
- Particles
- Fishing particles
- Squid ink particles
- End gateway particles
- Conduit particles
- Impact particles when entity has fallen from height on to block
- Sweeping attack particles
- Damage heart particles
- Particles appearing when using the
command - Mycelium particles
- Underwater particles
- Nether portal particles
- End portal particles
- Brewing stand particles
- Spawner particles
- Barrier particles
- Armor stand breaking particles
- Particles for suspended gravity affected blocks, such as sand and gravel.
- Entities
- Primed TNT entities
- Block entities
- The floating book above placed enchanting tables is now correctly rotated towards the direction of where a nearby player is at high coordinates.
- Particles
- This fixes many issues regarding certain types of particles and entities not appearing at the right places when far away from the center of the world, especially beyond 16,777,216 blocks. The following list includes instances that are known and confirmed to be fixed:
- Modified the
font file to change the texture of charactersß
- Game library updates
- Minecraft now requires OpenGL 2.0.
- Changed title screen panorama to an image which includes new 1.15 features such as bees and bee nests.
- Descriptions under buttons on the "Create World" screen are now narrated.
- Command suggestions are now narrated if the narrator is turned to system or all.
- Are now published with all future versions of the game, including this one.
- Does not change the existing restrictions on what may or may not be done with game code or assets.
- Links to the obfuscation mappings are included as part of the version's accompanying .json file.
- The biome blend setting has moved and now has descriptions per setting value.
- The biome blend setting is now shown in the debug overlay.
- Vertically moving particles now perform better when colliding with blocks.
- Performance
- Tweaked chunk loading calculations.
- Improved chunk rendering.
- Improved performance.
- Optimized explosions.
- Player animation
- Added the hand use animation for players in first-person and third-person perspectives when performing the following actions:
- Making tamed wolves, cats or parrots sit or stand
- Breeding animals
- Shearing animals
- Activating redstone ore
- Dyeing mobs
- Filling and emptying buckets
- Placing boats
- Throwing projectiles
- Dropping
Release Date: 2019-12-10
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