- Hay Bale
- Can be placed in all orientations
- Crafted with wheat in a 3×3 arrangement
- Carpets
- Crafted with 2 colors of wool in a horizontal line, yields 3 carpets
- Can be placed on any block (even translucent ones)
- Hardened Clay
- Obtained by smelting a clay block in a furnace
- Stained Clay
- Comes in 16 colors, one for each dye.
- Similar to wool.
- Made by surrounding any dye with hardened clay
- Block of Coal
- Crafted with 3×3 coal.
- Crafted only with coal, not charcoal.
- Can be used as furnace fuel and smelts 80 items, more than 9 coal (72 smelted items).
- Horse Armor
- Exist in diamond, iron and gold variants
- Cannot be crafted and it can only be found in most types of generated chests, including in Dungeons, Nether Fortresses, Desert Temples, and Jungle Temples
- Horse Spawn Egg
- Works like any other spawn egg
- Just like naturally spawned Horses, these Horses will have one of seven base colors and one of five variations of markings
- Sometimes a Donkey will be spawned instead
- Lead
- Can be used to bind mobs to fences or lead them around
- Right click mob first, then right-click fence or right-click the mob again to get the leash back
- Crafted with 4 string and 1 slimeball, yields 2 leads
- Name Tag
- Found in dungeon chests
- Name it in an anvil, then right click a mob to name it.
- Horses
- Creation assisted & inspired by DrZhark's Mo' Creatures mod
- To tame, ride them and get thrown off a few times until hearts appear
- Can be bred using Golden Apples & Golden Carrots
- Drop Leather when killed
- Health can be restored using Bread, Sugar, Hay Bales, Wheat, Apples, Golden Apples & Golden Carrots
- Baby Horses can be grown the same way
- Players riding saddled Horses are granted full control over the Horse's movement
- Color, style, maximum health, jump height and speed vary between Horses
- Open your inventory, right click a Horse or press the inventory key while holding LSHIFT and looking at a Horse to access their inventory to deal with their storage, armor and saddle
- Rarely spawn in small groups
- Donkeys
- Like horses, but smaller and gray, and can carry chests with 15 slots on their saddles
- Mules
- Obtained by breeding a horse with a donkey
- Can wear chests on their saddles, just like donkeys
- Not breedable with horses, donkeys, or other mules
- Skeleton and Zombie Horses
- Introduced as the code of the normal Horse, although require third-party modifications to be used in the game. There is no current use at this time.
- Status effects
- Health Boost
- Gives player 4 (
) base health; extra health vanishes when the effect ends
- Can be acquired ingame by the command
/effect <playername> 21 <duration in seconds> <amplifier>
- Gives player 4 (
- Absorption
- Gives player 4
"absorption" health that cannot be replenished by natural regeneration or other effects, but would return every 30 seconds, regardless of the state of the rest of the health bar; absorption health vanishes when the effect ends
- Can be acquired ingame by the command
/effect <playername> 22 <duration in seconds> <amplifier>
or by eating either tier of Golden Apple
- Gives player 4
- Causes food meter to be replenished by 1 (
) per tick.
- Can be acquired ingame by the command
/effect <playername> 23 <duration in seconds> <amplifier>
- Causes food meter to be replenished by 1 (
- Added Saturation.
- Affects the hunger bar.
Command format
- Spreads certain players from an origin point
- Has a Max Spread and Minimum Distance from player to player
- Can be used with the teams scoreboard functionality to spread team members to the same location
- Can use to play sound to player
- Can change the pitch and/or volume
- Can use sound from resource pack
- Toggles natural health regeneration
- Toggles the day-night cycle (the sun stops moving and stays where it is)
- Resource pack system
- Replaces the texture pack system
- A conversion tool which converts texture packs into resource packs was released by Dinnerbone and is available here.
- Contains:
- Textures
- Sounds
- Fonts (partially)
- Language file
- End credits
- End Poem
- Splash text
- New "missing texture" texture
- Attribute system
- Item attributes using NBT tags:
- Attributes can be additive, subtractive and multiplicative using a set value
- Some items have default modifiers in place of previously hard-coded attributes
- Examples of possible changes players could make: A bow that slows the holder, a helm that buffs health, etc.
- Entity attributes:
- These properties can now be changed as easily as any other NBT attribute
- Entity speed, base health, base attack
- Other properties like weapon damage/bow draw speed/sword swing speed are yet to follow
- Splash screens
- "What's up Doc?"
- Lapis Lazuli Block
- Retextured subtly, it now has a border around it
- Redstone Comparator
- Now give out a signal for Cauldrons and End Portal frames depending on their state
- Cauldrons give from zero signal (empty) to three signal strength (full) depending on water inside
- End Portal frame varies between zero and fifteen signal strength, depending on if an Eye of Ender is present
- Command Blocks
- Can no longer be mined or destroyed in Survival mode
- Lava
- Now decays properly
- Charcoal
- Retextured, with more brown shading to differentiate from coal
- Saddle
- The player can now put a saddle on a horse
- Golden Apple
- Golden apples now require gold ingots instead of gold nuggets to craft
- Golden apples now give Regeneration II for 10 seconds and both tiers give Absorption for 1 min 30 seconds
- Glistering Melon
- Glistering melons now require 8 gold nuggets
- Spawn Eggs
- Spawn eggs work on water
- Flint and Steel
- Now loses durability when igniting TNT
- All mobs
- Mobs named "Dinnerbone" or "Grumm" are now flipped upside down.
- Now spawn in groups again.
- Zombies
- Now have a small chance to spawn additional zombies when damaged or not being looked at.
- Able to lock onto the player from 40 blocks away (formerly 16 blocks).
- Mobbing zombies can now move when further than 32 blocks from player.
- Villagers
- Now have sounds for trading, getting hurt and other things.
- Withers
- Armor has been retextured.
- Spiders
- Now have a chance to spawn with potion effects.
World generation
- Deserts
- No longer contain water lakes.
- The Nether
- Added chest generation in nether fortresses.
- Riding mounts
- When riding a mob, its health is on the Heads-up display
- When riding on an entity, dismounting has changed from right-clicking the entity to using the Sneak key (⇧ Left Shift by default)
- Boat controls have been changed from the A, S, and D keys to mouse control
- Respiration enchantment
- Now also helps seeing underwater
- Changed the idea of mob difficulty
- Regional difficulty: The longer you spend in one area, the harder it gets
- Scales with difficulty - items, enchants or AI improve with difficulty
- Tooltips
- Added extra tooltip info in the search tab for the creative inventory, which shows what category a block/item is in
- Tooltips for swords, pickaxes, shovels, axes, and potions show how much damage the sword/tool does and what effect a potion will give
- Status effect
- Balanced to improve gameplay
- Instant Health nerfed by 33% (heals only 4 health points/2 hearts at level I)
- Regeneration nerfed by 50% (takes 50 ticks/2.5 seconds to restore 1 health point/.5 heart at level I)
- Hunger
- Natural health regeneration now costs hunger points/saturation points
- Creative mode
- It is no longer possible to break blocks with swords in Creative mode
- Technical
- Support for Java 5 and PowerPC users will be dropped.
- If a player have a PowerPC based computer and/or Java 5 installed, a warning will be shown at the main menu.
- Internal chat system
- Lots of messages should be translated now that were not previously
- Messages are now better modularized
- Server messages can be sent by their code-defined name, allowing the client to utilize the correct translation according to their language settings
- Color can be specifically designated, preventing leakage into further messages
- Updated language files and fixed missing strings
- New launcher
- Increases performance and stability
- Minecraft game icon changed to a crafting table, presumably to differentiate between game and launcher
- Allows LWJGL to be updated, fixing many launcher bugs
- Supports multiple versions/installs
- Self updatable.
- New password storing system
- More user friendly.
- A major step towards the Plugin API.
- New authentication system - "Yggdrasil", which is more secure and has more features
- If downloaded for free, it'll only let you play the demo world.
- Accounts are mandatory.
- Realms
- Added handling of invitations
- Added resetting realm with one of provided realm templates
- Added viewing backups for a realm and the ability to restore them
- Added setting the owner of a realm as game master operator
- Added confirmation screens for various actions such as deleting a realm
- Ability to leave someone else’s realm that previously accepted invitation for
- Fixed game mode and game difficulty issue
- Minor GUI fixes for better usability
has now been re-added.
- 86 issues fixed
- From released versions before 1.6.1
- MC-137 – Ping packet doesn't include host information
- MC-188 – 'doFiretick' makes fire to not extinguish. Lighting makes fire all over the place!
- MC-483 – Keyboard Unresponsive on OS X
- MC-505 – Boats float in middle of air after logout and re-login.[note 1]
- MC-507 – Teleporting to Large Numbers Creates a Broken Error
- MC-552 – Command block choosing wrong people / Selecting players cross-dimensional
- MC-560 – Sound made by mobs in water causes massive FPS drop.[note 1]
- MC-590 – Mobs not realizing they killed their attacker and trying to attack empty space
- MC-607 – Running at a high resolution causes large portions of the screen to be UNCLICKABLE
- MC-671 – Minecarts with Furnace consume coal in creative mode
- MC-820 – Death messages in english regardless of the selected language (Multiplayer)
- MC-1038 – Beacon Block Incorrect Texture When Surrounded by Blocks
- MC-1124 – Mouse "Back" and "Forward" open menu in windowed mode.
- MC-1126 – Server command "
/whitelist list
doesn't display the full list of players - MC-1159 – Mouse wrongly positioned in fullscreen.[note 1]
- MC-1202 – Mobs spawn and then quickly despawn in peaceful. Looks like the "ender-porting-out-of-water" effect.
- MC-1229 – Compasses in item frames move with the player.[note 1]
- MC-1320 – Dogs wont stop snarling after punched by someone else
- MC-1497 – Damaged Anvils do not show damage in inventory or item frame
- MC-1598 – Zombie pigmen burn for a moment in daylight.[note 1]
- MC-1903 – Console command and set console for block in Command Block merges when in windowed mode
- MC-1980 – Zombie villagers are able to despawn during curing process
- MC-2097 – You can't get "The End?" achievement
- MC-2200 – Sleeping while in a minecart produces a graphical glitch
- MC-2419 –
tag freezes mobs - MC-2453 – Jack-o-lantern name is mis-punctuated
- MC-2476 – Regeneration increases the speed at which damage is taken from cacti, lava and fire.[note 1]
- MC-2559 – Squid taking damage while in water
- MC-2692 – Hard to spawn squid
- MC-2758 – Derailed minecarts float when reloading world.[note 1]
- MC-3008 – Regular skeleton's melee damage is unaffected by the sword type
- MC-3090 – Unable to play game unless LWJGL is manually replaced
- MC-3695 – Boats/Minecarts and Ender Pearls don't mix
- MC-3737 – Placing water source into some blocks yields no drops
- MC-3798 – 3D Anaglyph biome color corruption
- MC-3914 – Grass can't be tilled under plants/sign while dirt can.[note 1]
- MC-3960 – After the last use of a bow you get a glitch bow that when dropped and picked up again duplicates
- MC-4266 – Death counter does not update
- MC-4631 – Lava decay fails to schedule block update
- MC-4822 – Skeletons attacking like zombies when hit in creative
- MC-6721 – Ctrl + Alt + Esc crashes minecraft
- MC-6828 – Brewing stand feet's sides are transparent when placed against a wall
- MC-7134 – Silverfish breaking blocks when "
" is set to false - MC-8073 – Switching from windowed to fullscreen and back moves the point of view
- MC-9026 – Splash potions particles are incorrect
- MC-9317 – /scoreboard syntax missing (/help scoreboard)
- MC-9355 – Argument "team" do not work with "!" for other players
- MC-9584 – Cactus texture error when near a wall
- MC-9917 – In multiplayer screen holding shift and pressing "down" without selecting any server crashes the game
- MC-10601 – Can't use scroll wheel in crash reports
- MC-11033 – Item count / numbers randomly flickering in item bar, inventory, workbench
- MC-11199 – Eye of Ender does not always lead to the nearest Stronghold
- MC-11385 – Scoreboard problem with "seeFriendlyInvisibles"
- MC-11439 – Memory leak switching texture packs
- MC-11595 – 1.5 HD Texture pack stitched images greater than 2048 resolution results in massive performance drops.
- MC-11605 – Certain death message will print "null" as the player/mob name that caused the death
- MC-11765 – Command Blocks breaking easily in survival
- MC-12017 – Can get permanently stuck in a minecart in a nether portal
- MC-12241 – Minecart collision boxes are briefly positioned wrong
- MC-12526 – Minecarts off track float
- MC-12569 – Sitting in minecart is higher than it should be
- MC-12733 – Minecart hit box too large
- MC-12906 – in the
menu, the/debug
option does not show the<start/stop>
.[note 1] - MC-13177 – New Client and Server Outputs Increase Loading Time
- MC-13276 – Zombies with increased health don't deal damage
- MC-13330 – Mob armor percentage likely error.[note 1]
- MC-13559 – Pick block from inventory in creative doesn't preserve size of stacks
- MC-14218 – Minecraft can't handle 4096x4096 or larger cloud textures
- MC-14757 – Stacked Entity Spawner creating mass duplicate ghost entities
- MC-14795 – Wither is still named "Withern" in German
- MC-14926 – Cannot use resolution clock and compass textures with resolutions higher than 16x16
- MC-15145 – Receiving very high amount of damage at once creates ghost mode in multiplayer
- MC-15732 – Achievement "We Need to Go Deeper" rewarded for going through an End Portal
- MC-16075 – Entities other than the player can't leave the end
- MC-16530 – When under resistance effects above 5,
command does not work. - MC-16554 – lang files for en_US is gramaticly incorrect at death.fell.finish.item
- MC-17037 – No error report when minecraft crashes
- MC-17280 – Freezes When Moving
- MC-17701 – Fire Animation Jumps and skips frames.
- MC-18088 – Sticky and unregistering keys during normal Minecraft play only, AMD processor driver conflict?
- MC-18324 – Text misplaced on Direct connect, Rename World screen
- MC-18483 – Shift clicking on the destroy item button in multiplayer doesn't work.
- MC-18640 – Crash when language file of currently selected language is missing
- MC-18713 – If a team name has "-" in it, the argument for seeing if anyone is in the team doesn't work
- MC-19029 – Instant health effect set to a 29, 61, 93...253 value kills any player without any death message
- From the current version, hotfixed
- MC-19849 – The game starts and has the Mojang title, but then the next slide is black except the bottom left corner, which is dirt.
Release Date: 2013-07-01
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